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iSocket Water Sensor Pro

For flood and water leaks detection systems with mobile notifications.

4.6 (basierend auf 5 bewertungen )

5.0 Von aus United Kingdom

Is there anything else better than isocket to detect water flood? I'm not sure! Marvelous! Great course! Continue!

Is there anything else better than isocket to detect water ...

5.0 Von aus France

ideal for my kitchen, hope neighbors do not complain for flood anymore... hehe :)

ideal for my kitchen, hope neighbors do not complain for ...

5.0 Von aus Slovakia

thank you! now I can know when water come to my basement. it works!

thank you! now I can know when water come to ...

Manufacturer: Joint development under iSocket Systems control

Modellnummer: WATER12FTELEC

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50% off if you buy together with iSocket or other alarm sensors
50% off if you buy together with iSocket or other alarm sensors
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iSocket Water Sensor Pro (WATER12FTELEC): Überblick

iSocket Water Sensor Pro is a ready-to-use product to work with iSocket 2021+ generation. It is updated version of the famous iSocket Water Sensor (ISWSNO1) with the longer cable and improved technologies. Just connect it to the iSocket and place the sensor on the floor. iSocket will notify you by text or voice messages or email immediately water is detected.

How does the iSocket Water Sensor Pro work? All that is needed is 3 simple steps:

1. Connect it to iSocket,
2. Place the sensor on the floor and,
3. Configure alarm monitoring on your iSocket World IoT Portal account.

This will give you a simple water detection system which will inform you in the event of water flooding - by text or voice message on your mobile phone or by email.

Some areas where iSocket water detector can be used for flood detection:

  • In the bathroom where a bucket or sinks could overflow
  • Near your water heater, refrigerator, dishwasher or washing machine
  • In the basement where ground water leakage could cause damage
  • At the entrance of a low-lying door, where there is a risk of flooding

Stay informed in the event of flooding!

Please note, the iSocket water detector will only sense water which contacts its probes. So the water detector must be placed in such a way that water leaking will come into contact with the probes immediately.

Was zum Lieferumfang gehört

  • iSocket Water Sensor Pro (WATER12FTELEC) (1Stück)

iSocket Water Sensor Pro (WATER12FTELEC): Funktionen

  • Simple water leak alarm system
  • Text (SMS), voice call, WhatsApp or email notifications in case of water leaks
  • Water flood detection system at minimal cost
  • iSocket Water Sensor Pro is a product to work with iSocket Smart Plug 2021+ generation
  • Combination of high-technologies and software to detect a water
  • Cable 12ft (3.6m)
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4.6 (basierend auf 5 Bewertungen)

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Is there anything else better than isocket to detect water flood? I'm not sure! Marvelous! Great course! Continue!

Produkte: iSocket Wassersensor (ISWSNO1)

5.0 Von aus United Kingdom

Fazit: Ja, ich würde es einem Freund empfehlen


no problem, I test and it send sms when water come immediately! but cable is a bit short

Produkte: iSocket Wassersensor (ISWSNO1)

4.0 Von aus Spain

Fazit: Ja, ich würde es einem Freund empfehlen


ideal for my kitchen, hope neighbors do not complain for flood anymore... hehe :)

Produkte: iSocket Wassersensor (ISWSNO1)

5.0 Von aus France

Fazit: Ja, ich würde es einem Freund empfehlen


Good solution, work without problem, the only minus that not wireless

Produkte: iSocket Wassersensor (ISWSNO1)

4.0 Von aus Russia

Fazit: Ja, ich würde es einem Freund empfehlen


thank you! now I can know when water come to my basement. it works!

Produkte: iSocket Wassersensor (ISWSNO1)

5.0 Von aus Slovakia

Fazit: Ja, ich würde es einem Freund empfehlen


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