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Voglio essere in grado di riavviare un router Wi-Fi quando si blocca

Vuoi riavviare un router da remoto se il Wi-Fi si blocca? In quale altro modo se non tramite cellulare! Tutti i iSocket Smart Plugs sono cellulari e il riavvio remoto o la commutazione è la caratteristica che viene fornita di serie per tutti loro. Basta collegare il router a iSocket e puoi riavviarlo inviando un semplice messaggio REBOOT se non risponde.


This new Plug-and-Go iSocket operates on any cellular network out of the box due to integrated connectivity. Remote switch or reboot are standard features of iSocket. New concept of Plug-and-Go adds a level of convenience - you will see the real status of your appliance on your iSocket World IoT Portal account where you are able to switch connected appliance on/off or reboot remotely.

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iSocket con contatore di energia

This new Plug-and-Go iSocket operates on any cellular network out of the box due to integrated connectivity. Remote switch or reboot are standard features of iSocket. New concept of Plug-and-Go adds a level of convenience - you will see the real status of your appliance on your iSocket World IoT Portal account where you are able to switch connected appliance on/off or reboot remotely. This model has also energy meter - you can measure power consumption of your appliance remotely.

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